Important meetings and events, a Highways England survey on dualling the A66, local business successes, and some amazing things to do next week. Find more information on my blog at:
And don’t forget to join me for my community/council radio show jdccdj on Friday afternoon, 4-6pm; and for my politics discussion show POLITICAL, 6-7:30pm, Sunday 26 May (where the Big Story this week will be Disability Discrimination):
• DCC Cabinet meeting, Wednesday 15 May (Bishop Auckland regeneration, Adult and Health Services update, SEND Strategy Refresh, Council Activity Report, School 20mph Project update, North Pennines AONB management plan).
• DCC officers from across the Council have been holding Climate Emergency Workshops.
• GAMP AGM, Tuesday 21 May (appointments, PCP update, GAMP 10 Year anniversary, Neighbourhood Budget funding for Neville Community Centre furniture, Area Budget callout ends 31 May).
• Great Aycliffe Town Council AGM, Wednesday 16 May (appointments, Constitution review, members’ attendances and allowances, Rainbow Flag motion, SUP motion).
• Highways England want our views on the proposed A66 dualling between the M6 and Scotch Corner.
• North East Business Awards Grand Final – and huge congratulations to Newton News.
• Road Safety Week in Newton Aycliffe encouraged parents to park more sensibly on the school run … and caught 88 speeding motorists.
• The North East’s three Police and Crime Commissioners have called on the Government to consider the wider implications of alcohol consumption.
• HealthWatch County Durham – notice of AGM, 9-11am Wednesday 26 June: book on 0800 304 7039.
• Congratulations Hitachi as the first Aycliffe-built Azuma train officially entered passenger service on the East Coast Mainline.
• Well done Stiller and Excelpoint, both expanding.
• Events at Low Barns Nature Reserve (up to 11yrs): Pond dipping (10-11:30am Tuesday 28 May, £4); Minibeast Safari (1:30-3pm Tuesday 28 May, £4): book on 0191 584 3112.
• Events at Hardwick Park: Marvellous Mermaids (11am-3pm Tuesday 28 May £3); Unicorns (10-11:30am Wednesday 29 May, £4); Dragon Den-building (1-2:30pm Wednesday 29 May, £6); Fairy house-making (11am-3pm Thursday 30 May £8.50): 03000 262 899.
• Events at Durham Oriental Museum (5-11s): Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s perfume jar (drop in 1-3pm Friday 31 May); Celebrating the Muslim festival of Eid (drop in 1-3pm Saturday 1 June), FREE.
• Durham’s Bailey Gallery (5-11s), Palace Green Library, 1-3pm 1-2 June, FREE.
• Shildon Model Railway Club Exhibition, Locomotion Museum Shildon, 10am-5pm, 1-2 June, FREE.
• Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, Gala Theatre Durham, 7pm Wednesday 5 June, £15: book on 03000 266600.
• S&DR Walks – 12 June, 26 June, 3 July: 0780 346 1996.
County Newsbits