It was the last competition before the Northumberland & Durham County Championships last weekend as Sunderland Swimming Club hosted their New Year Meet giving Sedgefield 75’s swimmers an opportunity to test their form.
The competition, in the Sunderland Aquatic Centre’s 50m pool, attracted swimmers from all over Britain as it also served for qualifying for the British Championships bringing University Swimmers in from Chelsea, Loughborough and Glasgow.
Three Sedgefield swimmers showed they were in good shape with an excellent PB return of nine out of eleven swims.
Charlie McEwan beat his bests in 50m butterfly and 50m freestyle, an impressive 0.5 seconds off his fly time.
Aviana Wilson PB’d three events, 0.3 seconds from 50m freestyle, 2.3 seconds from 100m freestyle and a huge 6.3 seconds from 100m backstroke, a swim that got her a bronze medal.
Jessica Bell picked up four new PB’s, 50m backstroke, a second off 100 fly and 50 freestyle bests and 3.6 seconds was taken off her 200m breaststroke time. The breaststroke swim earned gold and a bronze was also won in 50m butterfly.
The County Championships start this weekend, at the same Sunderland pool, with the second weekend in late February. Five swimmers from Sedgefield 75 will be competing.
County Champs Warm-Up