Dear Sir, Labour County Councillors have been knocking on our doors and invading us with leaflets saying how hard they have worked for us, but is that not what they are paid to do, and what they promised on the door step last elections? I noticed they failed to tell us why they did not support the teachers assistants who live in Newton Aycliffe when they needed them. We find under the Freedom of Information Act Councillors Clare, Dixon, Gray, Hillary, Hopper, voted for the pay cut. Councillors Iveson, and Adam did Not attend the Meeting and must not have thought its important enough to support the Teaching Assistants. 57 Labour Councillors voted for the pay cut 18 Independents voted against it, so why do they promise to support us yet will not go against the Labour Group? Every one needs to think very hard for the May Elections, on who we want to represent us – Councillors that are not afraid to speak up! It is trust and support we need and if a councillor will not stand up against their group they should not be elected. Name and address supplied.
Councillor Door Knocking Starts