Dear Sir,
Regarding the road surface in Burn Lane in your last issue. I had already contacted the Highways Agency and I received the following positive response.
“Dear Mr Garty, Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above mentioned subject. This road was surfaced dressed in the summer, unfortunately the surfacing is failing resulting in chipping loss.
Regarding the remedial works to the surface the contractor will return, and at their own cost resurface Burn Lane. In the meanwhile the contractor will continue to sweep the area for any loose chippings, the first sweep was before Christmas and I have again instructed them to return and undertake another sweep of the site.
Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards Terry Dodds. Highways Department.
We thank Mr. Garty for getting the answers required, but are concerned it took a member of the public to draw attention to a problem which should have been spotted sooner by a County Council quality check. The general public will also be further inconvenienced when the contractor returns to resurface Burn Lane.