Dear Sir,
With reference to the letter in last weeks Newton News, headed: ‘Fly Tipping Will Attract Vermin Around Shops’. I would like to thank your correspondent, Mr Bob Forrest of Simpasture Fisheries, for raising this fly tipping issue. However, he stated that there had been ‘no response’ from the authorities, I would like to point out that this is incorrect on this particular occasion.
As with the previous correspondence related to the ‘Damaged Sign’ in the previous week’s edition, I would like to confirm and provide confidence to Mr Forrest, and your readers, that Durham County Council did take prompt action on this fly tipping (see photos).
I reported this on Wednesday 11th November after being contacted by Walkers the Butcher of Simpasture Gate. By Thursday 12th November the Council Warden had carried out an investigation to try and identify the possible culprits and called in at a number of residents homes that live in and around that area, this was to highlight the shopkeepers concerns and raise awareness about the impact of fly tipping and untidy yards on local businesses and the environment.
The waste material was subsequently removed and the bins emptied on week beginning Monday 16th November.
Once again, I have demonstrated that there is no need to contact Newton News, you will get a quicker response by contacting Durham County Council online at:
If you are still not satisfied with the response from this service, please contact your local Councillor, before raising it in the local media.
Kind regards
Cllr Eddy Adam