Another fantastic Community Spirit Disco – a great turnout and loads of fun had by all.
The community spirit award this month went to an amazing young man, Alex Brown. Alex has spent the past couple of years raising money for worthy causes. He did a raffle raising £360 for Rose Lodge and Defoe Court, he completed a two mile run raising £550 for St. Teresa’s Hospice, he has donated his pocket money to the food bank and donated Easter eggs to the play cafe, he even shaved his hair and raised £1052 for Alzeimers and the British Heart Foundation.
It’s people like Alex that we want to praise and say a big thank you to – we want to encourage people to regularly perform random acts of kindness, even small things can make a big difference to our community.
We raised £120 from hot dog sales and donations which was given on the night to the Prickly Haven Hedgehog Rescue.
Hedgehogs have a very difficult life in the wild and rescuers are very dedicated to their survival. Prickly Haven has been running for four years and it is hard work, but the rewards are infinite, when you get the opportunity to cure them of the illnesses and awful injuries they get out in the wild. Fundraising is key, it gives the rescue the opportunity to help them get better with better medical supplies and special foods for babies and hoglets. Maxine was overwhelmed with the donation and wanted to say thank you for caring and helping these beautiful creatures.
We have some exciting news; as from the 23rd October we are going to be running two discos. 5.30-7.30pm will be our family disco, with all the usual fun, sweets, glitter and hot dogs. We are now going to be charging only £1 per family to enter. KD Disco’s have asked us to tell each family to bring a roll of toilet roll to the Halloween Disco! Then from 8.30-10.30pm we are running in conjunction with ‘All Disabilities Matter’, a disco for people who may not feel comfortable with mainstream discos or pubs and clubs for whatever reason. All Disabilities Matter want a place where people are free to feel at ease and comfortable, and are surrounded by people in similar situations such as physical disabilities or the unseen disabilities such as mental health and anxiety. A place to party free from judgement or bullying. The entrance fee will be £1 per person. Both discos will continue to be subsidised by Community Spirit.
If you know of anyone who you feel deserves recognition for any good work in the community let us know at
Once again a big thank you to the Community Spirit volunteers, the stall holders and The Big Club for making our discos a continued success.
Community Spirit Disco