Dear Sir,
Last week, Labour Party Aycliffe West Councillor Kate Hopper, resigned her position as Durham County Council’s nominated representative on the committee of Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre.
This was perhaps inevitable and the only course of action open to her, when she had plainly lost the confidence of many trustees and volunteers helping to run the Youth Centre.
It is pure conjecture as to what the outcome of any proposed vote of no confidence, in Councillor Kate Hopper would have been. However, she plainly thought it better to jump first, rather than be pushed. A vote of no-confidence is never undertaken lightly.
Perhaps the saddest aspect of all of this is the fact that relations have deteriorated to this level in such a short period of time; Councillor Hopper having only being elected in May 2013.
Hard-headed business acumen has and is being employed to promote the development of youth activities at Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre. It is eminently sensible that this be reflected in the name of the Youth Centre. After all, since when did ‘community’ become a dirty word?
It is to be hoped that this logical addition to the name, is the outcome of the meeting on December 9th. After that, the more worldly-wise, sensible heads managing this excellent facility can concentrate on what they do best. Promoting the development of youth activities in our community.
Name & address supplied