A number of amazing volunteers have prepared Western Area Community Centre ready for Lifeline Community Action to offer great projects for the community. Such as Baby Basics, Job Club, Money Management course, and a Drop-In. It will also be used as an admin office.
Trustee Ken Sadler said ‘We wanted to be based in the area to reach families who are struggling in different areas of their lives. We piloted a few projects and they have been a massive success, so we’ve decided to expand there. We are looking for sponsors to help make sure we can help even more people within the coming years.
It’s sometime a thankless job but when people stand up and be counted then it makes our volunteer roles so much easier”. Ken goes on to say, “If you’d like to help the marginalised in any way then please don’t put it off, we are a small dedicated team but we have plenty of room for more hands…there is a saying that many hands make light work but in actual fact its ‘Willing Hands’ that really make it easier. Are there any willing hands out there that have time to make a difference to one life at a time? Contact lifeline.action@googlemail.com or visit our website lifelinecommunityaction.co.uk for more information.
Community Centre Makeover