Durham Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg attended a public meeting at Newton Aycliffe Youth Centre on Monday 30th September 2013 to discuss parking issues outside schools. Local councillors, residents, Head Teachers and Governing Bodies from schools in the area were in attendance.
The main discussion points were:
• Neighbourhood Policing Teams are to formulate a strategy around the police response by conducting individual school assessments to consider how best to resolve parking problems particular to the school.
• Deployment of Neighbourhood Wardens outside schools and support for future co-location with the Police.
• Identification of safe crossing points outside all schools.
• Parents and guardians to be educated via newsletters.
• Introduction and implementation of 20mph speed schemes outside schools.
• Markings restricting parking to be considered for certain schools.
• Joint working with Durham County Council and the Road Casualty Reduction Partnership.
Mr Hogg said: “I am committed to ensuring that our children can arrive at and depart school safely. I would ask all drivers in the vicinity of schools at these key times to take additional caution and to reduce their speed. It is also important to park with care and consideration. I look forward to working further with partners on this very important issue”
Commissioner Tackles School Traffic Problem