Dear Sir,

In reply to Cllr Chandran’s letter in last week’s Newton News. Yes, I have been a member of the Labour and Liberal Parties. I left them of my own free will in order that I could represent the people of Aycliffe Village in the best way possible. That means that I vote according to the issues at the time and as a true independent and not at Cllr Chandran’s command.

I believe that Cllr Chandran left the Labour Party under very dark clouds. He was suspended and under investigation by the national Labour Party, with the high possibility of being expelled. Rather than face the investigation, he jumped ship.

Is he a Tory in an Independent coat? He has not denied that he was canvassing for the Tories. If he was open, he would have canvassed in Newton Aycliffe, where he is known, but he canvassed in Chilton, hoping he would not be recognised. It is time Cllr Chandran told the truth.

Bill Blenkinsopp