A new exhibition has been put up throughout the Pioneering Care Centre showcasing some of the fantastic art work that has been produced in the second year of Colour your Life. The exhibition will officially open on Monday 3 June at 11.30am.
Everyone is welcome to take a tour around the Centre to view the brilliant displays and enjoy some refreshments with the artists. Art sessions with professional artist Tina Fuller will also be taking place in the Stephens Room so feel free to pop along to see what’s involved in the Colour Your Life project or have a go yourself.
Carol Wood, PCP Business Development Director explained, “PCP delivers ‘Colour Your Life’ across East Durham with funding from Durham County Council. It aims to provide free access to creative activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. The exhibition includes many of the crafts participants have produced with guidance from professional artists who are working in the marketplace today.”
The weekly Colour your Life sessions take place at the Pioneering Care Centre on Mondays 10am-12noon and 1-3pm, Tuesdays 6-8pm.
There is also a family session after school on Tuesdays 3.30-5.30pm. An additional adult session also occurs at the Settlement Centre in Spennymoor on Thursdays 10am-12noon.
All classes take place in pleasant surroundings and give everyone the chance to learn new skills, make new friends and relax in a friendly atmosphere.
For more information about ‘Colour Your Life’ please contact the team on 01325 321234, email colouryourlife@pcp.uk.net visit www.colouryourlife.org.uk