As readers know this exciting project to regenerate the derelict play area at Cobblers Hall has been given the go-ahead by Great Aycliffe Town Council, the initial proposal being for two activity items (a medium sized MUGA, and a play area aimed at the 6-14 age group) within a ‘decorative environmental’ park.
There will be two stages of consultation – the first about general design, with a later second consultation about specific play items.
The first consultation has now gone live, and we would encourage people please to respond to the online questionnaire here:
Anybody can comment, but we are asking people to supply a postcode, so we know broadly where the comments are coming from. Local stakeholders, and people living in the immediate vicinity are being asked personally, by letter from the Town Council.
Cllrs John D Clare, Mike Dixon and Joan Gray
Cobblers Hall New Park Consultation