We have been running the Cleveland Hike for over 50 years. We must admit, we are getting pretty good at it now! Originally entered by Boys Brigade teams, it’s now open to anyone and currently over 50 teams from across the UK are entering.
The Boys Brigade has been open to girls for a long time and who now make up roughly half of its members
The hike is really, simple. We will tell you where we start. You then use a map and a compass to find the next checkpoint and hike to it. You get points for getting there and more if you’re quick. At each checkpoint there is an ‘incident’, a type of challenge where you get to win more points for your team. At the end of day 1 (about 20 miles) you pitch your tent for the night. The next day it all starts again and follows the same format. About 10 miles later, you will arrive at the end, its always Danby. You get a burger, a certificate and, if you win, we throw in a prize too!
What takes place:
Basically, the teams can enter for the Saturday or Sunday or both days, so three separate competitions, Gold – both days, Silver – Saturday, Bronze – Sunday. The groups navigate between checkpoints and when reaching checkpoints, they have to conduct fun tasks to gain more points. The winning team is the one that crosses the finish with the most points for their particular heat, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
All in the beautiful North Yorkshire Moors….And we booked the sun, promise!
Still time to enter:
Further info can be gained from Chris Hall – PR Cleveland Hike – 07788 818812 or email chris@thrillsandskillsforlife.com
T: @ClevelandHike
FB: @TheClevelandHike
I: @clevelandhike