Durham County Council is cracking down on people who misuse disabled parking badges.
From 7 July, enforcement officers will be targeting motorists who abuse the Blue Badge Scheme, which allows disabled drivers to park closer to shops and amenities.
Officers will be checking that badges are real and being used by the badge holder to help make sure that drivers with genuine disabilities can access the parking spaces they need.
Misuse and abuse of a blue badge is a criminal offence which can lead to a fine of up to £1,000.
Cllr Neil Foster, Cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: “Being able to park closer to shops and amenities is vital for people with disabilities. Anyone who abuses that right is committing a criminal offence as well as making life much more difficult for those with genuine disabilities.
“By targeting those who misuse disabled parking badges we are making sure that there will be plenty of parking spaces for people who really need them.”
Residents are being urged to report people fraudulently using blue badges by calling our hotline on 08000 321 663 (free from a landline) or by texting Fraud, followed by the details, to 0778 602 7280.