Dear Readers
The Pastoral Team of the Parish of Great Aycliffe have for many years visited the Care and Nursing homes in our town. We do several seasonal Services a year, all offering residents communion or a blessing.
We take our church organist to play the music, and some of our church members help alongside the pastoral team. Our two parish priests share the Services between them, and it is always a pleasure to see the joy on the residents’ faces when we visit.
As well as visiting seven Care and Nursing Homes, we also go into Woodham Grange which is purpose built for men and women with special needs, who love having us visit them.
We are passionate about taking God’s love and his word to all residents in these homes and it is very humbling to share the experience.
Many of the residents have lived on this town since its beginning and we feel the very least we can offer to thank those who have done so much for the building up of this town and its community, is to make sure they know by our visits they are never forgotten.
During these Easter Services all residents are offered a palm cross and a mini chocolate egg, or an alternative if they have special dietary needs.
You are welcome to visit residents in any nursing home on the town, as some get no visitors at all. Just pop in and see the manager at a nursing home near you for more information.
Pam Lovelass APA.
St. Clare’s Church

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