At Stephenson Way Community Primary School the children have been busy raising money for two charities, by getting involved with two Christmas themed activities.

The national ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ was a big hit with the children, and everybody enjoyed parading their festive jumpers around the school. From jumpers with flashing lights to ones which sang Christmas carols on request, the outfits had it all.

Penguins, reindeers, santas, stockings and Christmas trees brightened the cold day at school, but as one Y5 pupil commented, ‘It’s not all about jumpers though, because we have brought in £1 each for Save the Children’. Altogether donations to Save the Children topped £300.

Children at Stephenson Way have also been raising money for the Butterwick Hospice by purchasing small Christmas themed soft toys from the school office. With several different designs to choose from, children have found it difficult to pick just one. A year 6 pupil said ‘I’m going to collect them all and that means more money for the Hospice!’ The children are aiming to raise £500 and are well on their way to achieving this target.

The school would like to thank the children and their parents for all their generous donations to different charity events which the school has participated in over the past year.

Written by Summer, Beth, Natasha and Maddison (Y6 Pupils)

sw christmas jumpers