Vice Crosby, Chairman of the management committee of the newly named Newton Aycliffe Youth and Community Centre surprised everyone last Friday at Little Gems Toddler group when he delivered a large chocolate cake to celebrate Little Gems first birthday.
Eyes popped as the cake was cut and mums and toddlers tucked into the cake. The tell tale signs of the cake were seen around the faces of the toddlers. Jayne Latcham who has been running the group for 9 month said “it was a lovely surprise and the mums appreciate the thought behind it”
Jayne and the management committee, volunteers and staff wish everyone a merry Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year Year. Little Gems will break for the holidays from Friday 20th December to Thursday 9th January. For more information about Little Gems who now meet both Thursday afternoon and Friday morning please telephone the Youth Centre on 307522 or just pop in with your toddler.