This year the club will hold its annual Senior Citizens Party on Saturday afternoon 20th December. Members aged 60 years or over plus their partner or carer are entitled to a ticket which are available on a first come first served basis. A plated buffet, complimentary drink and all entertainment is provided for just £3.00 per ticket. This a contribution towards the cost of the food only as all other costs are paid from club funds.
It’s an ideal opportunity to meet up with family and friends and the management board would be delighted to welcome as many of our senior citizens as possible. Tickets are restriced in numbers so please call into the club for yours soon!
A free Xmas Party will also be held on the evening of 20th December to thank our loyal members and guests for their continued support over the past year. Admission is by ticket only… so call in for your free ticket today! Entertainment is provided with excellent vocalists Mike l & Jolene in what promises to be a great night out!
Chilton Club’s Annual Senior Citizens Party