On Tuesday 10th July children of Woodham Burn Out of School Club celebrated the end of term with a Leavers Party. They enjoyed tea followed by a special presentation. Each child was presented with a scroll and their journal to take home to keep with photos, news articles, samples of their work and notes made by staff which have been collected over the years.

Many of the children are due to move onto secondary school in September and have attended the club from a small age and will be greatly missed. We hope they have a great time at their new school and wish them farewell and good luck.

The children comments after the party and presentation:

Matthew V; I have had fun at the OOSC. All of the staff are nice and kind, and help make my time at the club fun.

Joshua W: I have been coming to the OOSC for 6 years and made lots of friends. I have joined in lots of fun activities and outings.

Lewis A; I have enjoyed my time at the club because I like going somewhere where I can make models, structures from lego and making flags by sewing. I like my journal because it has special memories of things I have made and reminds me of all the fun things I have done at the club.

Ryan J; The OOSC was a euphoric experience, all the activities were great.

To find out more information about the club, arrange a visit or to book a place for your child, during term time (drop offs and pick ups available) or the Summer holidays, please contact Kendra on 300080.