On May 31st members of Great Aycliffe Mothers’ Union attended a Banner Service in Durham Cathedral. Their Branch Banner was carried in a procession alongside dozens of others from throughout the Diocese.
This year celebrated 140 years of the Mothers’ Union being formed, and the Bishop of Durham Rt. Revd. Paul Butler asked if children from our parishes could design a banner depicting this event. The children from our Messy Church, along with children from Shine Community Choir made the banner shown in the picture.
A lovely and enjoyable day and it was a wonderful sight seeing all of the many different banners carried in procession in the Cathedral. We were warmly welcomed by the acting Dean Revd. David Kennedy. The Mothers’ Union Chaplain Revd. Val Sheldon took the Service. Hymns were strongly sung and members from “Open the Book” team acted out the gospel reading.
The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is primarily to uphold Christian care for all families, and to uphold marriage and family life. We hold our monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month.
The branch is taking a summer break and re-opens on Thursday September 8th for our AGM. Our meetings start at 11-00am with varied speakers and film shows, closing with a buffet lunch.
Anyone is more than welcome to come along to any of our meetings. Further details can be had by contacting the Branch Leader Pam Lovelass. 316841
Children Design Banner for Mothers’ Union