Messy Church on Saturday 19th September will have a ‘water’ theme as it helps to celebrate the Harvest. Through craft and cooking we will say THANK YOU FOR THE HARVEST and all that it brings.
We begin at 4pm looking at how fortunate we are to all have access to clean water and then through water play ,fruit salad making, pasta painting pictures and seed planting we will discover how much we need water in our everyday lives.
Sharing a special tea together at the end we invite you all to come along. Messy Church is free to all, there will be a donation box to support the work of ‘WaterAid’.
Please come along to St. Clare’s Church for a 4pm start, registration from 3.30pm onwards and everyone will be very welcome. Please contact Helen on 01325 319002 (evenings/weekends) for any more information.
Children Celebrating Harvest