Do you want to be “18 till you die?” or experience a night in “Heaven?” Or maybe you just want to relive that fabulous “Summer of 69?” Well for one night let’s relive your youth and be “Waking up the Neighbours” because the “Kids Wanna Rock”
Come along to Shildon Civic Hall and rock along with THE BRYAN ADAMS EXPERIENCE and help raise money and awareness for a well deserved charity close to everyone’s heart, Macmillan Cancer Care.
The Bryan Adams Experience are from the North east but have played all around Europe and are well known as one of the best Bryan Adams tribute acts in the country. They bring the live experience to the night that can only be bettered by the Canadian Rock Star himself.
Tickets are on sale now, but we are expecting a really busy night so book your tickets quick: Prices are: £6 in advance, £8 on the door
Limited to admission of 300 so tickets are available on a first come first served basis.
Tickets are available by contacting Sandie on 07938 878438. Sue on 07824 153711 or Andrew on 01325 313363. Tickets also available at Shildon Civic Hall. So come and have a really Rock night and help a well deserving charity.
Charity Rock Night at Shildon