Come and join the three hour neon fun fest on Sunday 6th November from 10.30am-1.30pm at The Big Club, £10 a ticket, only 30 places ladies, first come, first served.
All proceeds will go towards the Options Day Centre within the PCP who cater for adults with learning disabilities.
One hour of banging tunes and clubbercising
30-45 minute break and raffle (tickets available from next week). Finish the rest of the Clubbathon with more clubbercising tunes and moves. Over 20 raffle prizes to be won, £1 a strip.
There will also be a prize for the brightest neon ninja, so get your glow on girls.
Neon face paints will also be available to use on the day. Want a ticket? Message me on Facebook ‘Clubbercise in Aycliffe with Jules’ or text Jules on 07966 968388.
Charity Clubbathon in aid of Options