If anyone doubts that one person can make a difference in the world, they need to take the time to talk to Mark Solan who is the CEO and Founder of the Solan Connor Fawcett Family Cancer Trust CIC. Many years ago Mark and his family were faced with the challenges a Cancer diagnosis brings with it. Today, support for patients and their families is a lot better than it once was, when Mark and his family needed it. So, faced with some harsh life lessons, Mark decided he was going to make a difference in the level of Cancer support available for the people who need it the most.
The Trust is based in Spennymoor and provides a wide range of support and guidance for Cancer patients and their families across the region. The dream, over time, became a reality and grew way beyond anything he could have first imagined, but he would be the first to admit it’s the TEAM that makes the DREAM work and he feels very fortunate and privileged to work with a small but dedicated, hard working team of staff and volunteers. The demands for the service are continually growing and the trust needs to continue to grow in order to keep pace with the demand.
If you have benefited from the Trusts help and support and have a few hours to spare a week and would like to give something back, or you feel inspired by their story and feel you would like to volunteer and make a difference, you can find the details you need to help you make a difference and be a part of something special and worthwhile on The Solan Connor Fawcett Family Cancer Trust Facebook page.
Phill & Andy
Around Town, Aycliffe Radio