Great Aycliffe Residents’ Association (GARA) is launching a consultation exercise with the residents of Great Aycliffe on the issue of the closed former Police Station in the Town Centre.
We want to know if the residents are happy with the present policing arrangements or whether they feel we should have some form of replacement in the Town Centre to facilitate public communication with the police.
In April 2010 the Police Authority agreed to demolish the station and rebuild it on the same site as best value for money. Chief Constable Jon Stoddart said: “The design and construction of the existing building has caused long-term problems which were simply not foreseen. For some years now we have been aware the police station has become increasingly dilapidated and the situation had reached the stage where simply patching things up was no longer an option. I am delighted the police authority has given approval for this project to go ahead. We are committed to building a long-term base for police officers and staff in Newton Aycliffe and the option we have gone for represents the best in terms of value for money and also in the benefit to the community.”
In July 2011 The police station in had already shifted to temporary out-of-town facilities while its former building awaits demolition to make way for a new headquarters. However, those plans look uncertain after a proposal by the Police Authority to install dedicated telephones and post boxes in town centre shops and public buildings, allowing the public to leave messages or call officers at the temporary station on Aycliffe Business Park.
The station’s move to Aycliffe Business Park is cited as contributing towards the town’s 44% detection rate – the force’s highest – as industrial estates become the new crime hotspots. Mr Thompson Chair of the Police Authority has said the authority was considering all options regarding Parsons Court because the facilities worked better than expected.
In 2010, the authority said demolishing the 1972 town centre station and rebuilding on the site was the best value for money – before the force suffered a 20 per cent budget cut. When pressed by Great Aycliffe Town Councillors, Deputy Chief Constable Mike Barton admitted funding was an issue. He said: “Since 2009, we have not recruited any new officers and have made 200 police staff redundant in the past 12 months. “What we are trying to do is manage our resources.”
GARA has arranged a Public meeting for Thursday 19th July. 7pm at St Mary’s Church, Central Avenue
The subjects for discussion will be problems with litter and Policing in Great Aycliffe. GARA is bringing together Terry Collins Director of Neighbourhood Services, Oliver Sherratt of Direct Services both from Durham County Council, and a our Town Clerk.
The idea is to hear the current set up regarding litter collection in Great Aycliffe, who is responsible for what, how frequent litter is collected and what needs to be done. If you are interested in the environment come along and have your questions answered.
GARA is raising the issue of policing in Great Aycliffe; in particular the future of a Police presence in the Town Centre following the closure of the Police Station now due for demolition.
Do you want a Police Station in a more central location in the town or are you happy with the present arrangments with a Police Station on the Business Park?
Please complete the survey form in this issue so that we can pass your views to the Police Authority to help in their consultation.
Father Michael Campion Vice Chairman of GARA added “If there are elderly residents with concerns about their neighbours or anti social behaviour they will want to report it and the current police station is just too far away”
GARA will be holding another Public meeting on Thursday 16th August when Peter Thompson, Chairman of the Durham Police Authority will be present to address this issue and the role of the new elected Police Commissioner at which time we hope to hand over the results of the survey.
This is your opportunity to express your view before decisions are made. Please participate in this important consultation excercise.
Arun Chandran
Secretary GARA