Woodham Technology College held its annual Maths Challenge on 4th July 2012.
Students from Woodham Community Technology College and Sunnydale School were challenged by pupils from Vane Road, Stephenson Way and Timothy Hackworth primary schools.
The aim of the day is to offer the more able mathematicians in year 6 and 7 the opportunity to extend their understanding of mathematics whilst having fun. Throughout the day, students took part in a variety of activities including designing and constructing the “Woodham Orbit” from spaghetti and marshmallows, playing “Round the Clock” and “Pentominoes” and finally the “Woodham Crystal Maze”. Teamwork and problem solving were essential, all students and helpers worked hard showing resilience and resourcefulness.
Overall winners were Woodham Team1.  Sunnydale Team 1 won the quiz and Timothy Hackworth Team 2 were the most successful designers of the “Woodham Orbit”.