Cervical Screening (having a smear test) prevents 75% of cervical cancers from developing in the UK, yet one in four women do not attend cervical screening when invited. Not attending for cervical screening is the biggest risk factor for developing cervical cancer in the UK. Uptake amongst 25-39 year olds is worrying low. Why is this ?
Some ladies are worried that the procedure will be painful and embarrassing. At Bewick Crescent, we strive to make this procedure as comfortable as possible and maintain privacy and dignity at all times.
Some ladies are concerned about what the results will show. The Smear test is a test to detect abnormal cells in the cervix BEFORE they develop into cancer. More than 90% of results are negative. For the small number of smears that do show cell changes, treatment can be given early and prevent the progression to cervical cancer.
Some ladies struggle to find the time for the test. At Bewick Crescent Surgery we offer appointments during the day and offer a late night clinic and are as flexible as possible.
If your smear is overdue please don’t put it off. Cancer can happen to anyone and can often be prevented.
DON’T MISS YOUR SMEAR – you owe it to yourself and your family! If you require any information about smear tests please contact the surgery and a female nurse or female doctor would be happy to talk to you.
Cervical Screening Awarness Week