Children, staff and parents at Woodham Burn Primary School took time out on Friday 26th February to celebrate the remarkable career of Marjorie Scott, their caretaker. Marjorie, or Marji as she was fondly known, worked at Woodham Burn for over 30 years.
The day began with a special assembly during which children from each class read poems and showed pictures and cards which they had made. Mrs Short, Foundation Stage leader, had everyone in fits of laughter when she reminded everyone of the time when Marji was tricked into believing that she would be forced to keep pigs and sheep on the school field in order to provide fuel for an ‘organic’ boiler!
The catering staff provided a party lunch for everyone and Marji was guest of honour at a special table complete with waiters and waitresses provided by the children. The day ended with a final get together in the staffroom to celebrate thirty happy years.
Marji now intends to spend lots of time in her garden but has promised to come back and visit everyone who will miss her very much! The photo shows the oldest and youngest children from Woodham Burn presenting her with flowers.
Caretaker Retires After 30 Years Service