Dear Sir,
On Thursday 25th February between 6 and 6.30pm someone snapped a wing mirror off and smashed a headlight on my oldish car.
It would have taken a fair bit of strength and effort so I don’t think it was a younger person.
I am 70 years old and living on a pension and need my car for hospital appointments after having recently undergone three major operations.
Now the car is undrivable and I am facing how to get the money to get the repairs complete. Times are hard enough for everyone at the moment without making it worse for those who can least afford it. I cannot understand what satisfaction whoever did it got from hurting a stranger. I am sure though, that they would not like it if it happened to one of their family. Please have a think about the consequences of your actions or have a word with your kids if you have doubts about what they are up to.
A few of my neighbours are kindly checking their CCTV footage to see if anyone shows up.
As I am writing this is has come to my attention that others cars in the area have also been damaged.
Name and address supplied
Car Damage