Dear Sir,

Last week, I found myself disgusted by our MP and his party’s vote to practically starve children over half term. Due to this, I took a peek at Mr Paul Howells Facebook page and was once again disgusted by the explanation given in which Mr Howell blamed Labour for political games and said we should look for other ways to combat child poverty, (tell that to the kids at risk of going hungry over half term).

The truth is, during Labours time on government, child poverty was drastically reduced during 1997-2010, it has dramatically risen under the last ten years of Tory government. To point fingers at Labour for bringing this issue to the forefront is an exceptionally shocking action. It’s true that there are different ways to tackle child poverty, but in the short term why vote to take food away from children?

I voiced my displeasure with a comment saying he had brought shame on the position he holds and that he and his party should indeed be ashamed. That was subsequently deleted and I was blocked from the page. I later found out that many others had also been blocked.

Why does our MP have a problem with the free speech of his constituents? I understand there is no place for abuse, but many of these comments including mine were nothing of the sort. If our MP can’t take the very little heat coming his way, maybe it’s time to vacate the kitchen.

Kane Shaw