Dear Sir,
The letter by Mr Crosby brought a wry smile to my face. You see, I too have been in contact with our Right Honourable (term used loosely) Paul Howell MP. Like Mr Crosby, I was told we should wait for the outcome of the Gray report, but he did say if there was evidence of impropriety then the perpetrators should be punished like everyone else. The aforementioned report arrived and although Mr Howell stated in writing to me that his opinion had not changed he was now saying we should await the outcome of the Met investigation.
This raises the question of, if, and I quote, “There were no parties”, then why is there any need for the Met investigation at all. To follow up on this I asked our MP the following simple question: “If, when the PM stood in the House and said, ‘There were no parties’, was he telling the truth, or was he telling a lie?”
Now I don’t think the question is too difficult, I think more likely, not that our MP is unable to answer, moreover he is unwilling to answer. Paul Howell keeps on saying that there are other questions that need answering, but if you have no trust in the person answering the questions, there is no point asking in the first place.
Only last week the PM and Priti Patel were found to have quoted to the House totally incorrect figures re: crime. How long will the PM want to dine out on the phrase “We have the fastest vaccine roll out?”
Let’s not forget this is the same PM who stood up at the Tory Party Conference and said “This is the Government that got Brexit done.” That is bar taking back control of our Borders, and the Northern Ireland issue, and the Fishing Licences issue. All of a sudden it becomes apparent that we haven’t really got Brexit done at all.
When Boris Johnson got elected he said “Let’s get Brexit done, but first, let’s get breakfast done.” I think in the euphoria of winning the election he may well have got the two confused. He needs to go, we need a leader who will run the Country, not one who will run the Country into the ground. As to where our MP stands in all of this, I think it is quite clear. The Queen cannot tell a lie, our PM cannot tell the truth, Paul Howell cannot tell the difference.
M. Whiting
Can You Tell The Difference?