Greenfield Arts have been working alongside young people and artist Paul Theo Murray to help bring about a ‘climate of change’.

Through community workshops and school assemblies word has been getting out asking ‘How Can I Help’. Positive slogans are popping up around the school grounds of Greenfield Community College and Greenfield Arts site. The artwork can be found on banners and walls, inspiring young people to think about how they can take positive action and imagine a brighter future.

Paul is a visual mixed-media artist who encourages, supports and develops engagement within communities. His work is thought provoking and suggests a call to action that is at the heart of the ‘How Can I Help’ campaign.

Young people have been invited to share ideas to help create an exhibition with some amazing contributions. One young artist, Phoebe, aged 7, was passionate about her contribution, her theme is around the pollution that causes the sun to burn through and melt the ice filling up the sea and plastic pollution that harms animals on land and fish in the sea, with a simple message “we need to stop using plastic”.

Paul has put together an online exhibition which captures the essence of the campaign with striking images that are thought provoking and feature the work of young people. Visit our website to find out more or simply follow the link,

If you would like to know more about the campaign, or the many projects and activities on offer at Greenfield Arts, please visit our website