Dear Sir,
It is a huge privilege to stand for election in Newton Aycliffe, and even more so as a member of the Labour Party. I believe with confidence that this town is an excellent place to live and raise a family due to the principles on which it was designed: community, aspiration and kindness.
As a councillor I would demand these principles are central to every decision we make. People at the moment are stretched, they are over-worked and they are sustaining their families with every moment they have. Rather than push people further to the edge of society, as the current Conservative government is doing, I will make it my role to value each member of my community and give them a voice.
I will utilise my expertise of working with young people to help foster a sense of hope for the future which is currently being swept from under them.  I will encourage strengthening links with our business community – which, by the way, makes us the envy of the North East. I will demand that our green open spaces remain that way for as long as I represent you.
It has been an enormous pleasure to speak to many people over this campaign about our town and its future.  My only regret is that I will not be able to speak to every resident.  I am enormously proud of the town we have created over the past seventy years. I hope to be part of enhancing a town which our children and grandchildren can be proud of too.
Peter Lewis Davies
Labour Candidate for the West Ward

Peter Davies Photo 1