March is going to be a busy month at Neville Parade Church as we have a number of events planned.
It starts with a Family Quiz on Wednesday 6th at 6pm organized by JAM & JAFFA proceeds are going to Callum Scott for his trip to Botswana.
On Saturday 9th there will be a Craft & Gifts Fayre from 10am till 2pm there are still a few stalls available, tel 313397.
Thursday 14th we are hosting An Evening with Pam Rhodes which includes a buffet supper – tel 310182 for tickets.
Saturday 23rd at 10am JAM & JAFFA are having a Coffee Morning proceeds of which will go towards their weekend to Seahouses.
Wednesday 27th 5pm – 6.30pm Easter Messy Church. Fun for all ages.
We hope you will take time out of your busy lives to come along to one or all of these events. A very warm welcome awaits you.