The Friends of Senior Citizens from Neville Parade Community Centre invite you to join them for a theatre trip to Middlesbrough on Wednesday 15th April. The bus leaves St. Clare’s Church at 1.30pm picking up at Byerley Park School at 1.10, Railway Station at 1.15, Simpasture at 1.20, Aycliffe Village at 1.35 and Heighington at 1.40pm. Theatre and bus costs £20. Ring 313924 to book. A bus is being arranged to go to Ferryhill Stage Society’s “Spring Extravaganza” on Saturday 21st March leaving at 2.15pm. Cost £14 including transport. Ring 313924.
On Saturday 15th February Ferryhill Stage Choir gave an excellent Concert with songs from the Shows. Unfortuately it was poorly supported even though we had a fantastic tea provided by Walkers of Simpasturegate.
Bus Trips to the Theatre