The Great Britain Kurling Association are hosting the Club Team & British Open Competition on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October 2015.
Durham County Council have sponsored the event by allowing GBKA a discounted rate for hosting the competition at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre.
The competition will see clubs and individuals from all over the country compete for the Club Team Trophy and the British Open Trophy which are currently held by Wear Valley Blues and Allan Gregson.  Wear Valley Kurling Club practice at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre so it is a privilege for the competition to be hosted here.
GBKA are attempting to get New Age Kurling recognised as a sport by Sport England and need to highlight awareness of the sport as many clubs play just for fun and sometimes refer to it as “Indoor Kurling”.
The great aspect of this sport is that its inclusive for all players and abilities and can be widely played as it’s played in a sports hall, where a badminton court, becomes two Kurling Courts.
Further information  on 07745 509406