St. Clare’s Main Hall was filled with family and friends of SHINE Choir for their Christmas production ‘A Midwife Crisis’. A huge thank you to you all for your support and encouragement of this lively group and a massive well done to the choir boys and girls who were all amazing.

The narrators read with clarity and expression, keeping the audience with them.

The ditsy midwife who searched everywhere she could possibly think of where a King would be born, was ably assisted by her donkey. Steve kept the Christmas message alive in a funny yet moving way. The angels dazzled, the Kings entertained, the star shone, the soldiers and Ceasar took charge, the townspeople bustled, the shepherds rocked and the sheep stole the show! She did eventually arrive at the stable to be greeted by beautiful Mary and proud Joseph to find the baby she thought desperately needed her had already arrived, without any grandeur.

At that moment she understood she actually needed him much more than he needed her, Steve was united with Mary’s donkey Nigel, a long lost cousin and all was well. A wonderful evening!

The Children’s Team at St. Clares invite you to continue this transforming story by coming along to Messy Church, Family Service and of course the children’s choir which is open to all school age boys and girls.

The choir will have a well deserved break and will resume on Monday 12th January 2015 5 – 6pm.

We would like to invite all children to join them in celebrating the start of a New Year with a fun filled party. Come along on Saturday 3rd January, 3 – 6pm to St. Clare’s for a disco, games and tea – all for just £1 per child.


Contact Helen McCormick on 319002. We Wish you all a Peaceful New Year.

The Children’s Team,

St. Clare’s Church.