Dear Sir,
I am pleased to confirm that two new bridges are currently being installed at the Honister/Garburn end of West Park with the middle Kirkstone bridge to follow immediately.
Cllr Hopper and I met with John Reed DCC officer and discussed the replacement of all three bridges. We identified that DCC had allocated £52.5k as part of the highways budget for the replacement/improvement of footways across the whole of, what was known as the old Sedgefield Borough area. During these discussions Cllr Adam and Cllr Hopper secured £50k of this budget towards the replacement of two of these bridges. Also with the support of 400 residents who signed a petition to keep the third bridge open, will continue to seek additional funding for the replacement of the Whinlatter Bridge when the 16/17 budgets are set in April 2016.
Cllr Eddy Adam
Bridges to be Replaced