Are there likely to be short term entirely unintended consequences in leaving the EU, Brexit supporters would hate? If we are going to allow any Europeans already here, to stay, what is the point of leaving the EU, for many of those voting to Brexit?
Are we going to stop Europeans coming back into the UK freely, if they already live here, when they travel abroad? Are we going to have to grant over 3 million people already living here, UK passports whether they want them or not? Is this the only way to distinguish them from other Europeans and to be practical about future immigration controls?
Will their family members acquire the right of British nationality from their near relations good fortune? Will this have the effect of encouraging across to Britain more extended families from European countries?
How are both Boris Johnson or Michael Gove going to deliver the Britain for the British they are implicitly promising those who support them, if there is to be an amnesty for anyone already here?
Do current high immigration figures represent a rush of those anxious to come, in case the door finally closes on 23rd June? Will Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove be brushed aside as irrelevant by darker forces taking over demanding mass expulsions instead of an amnesty? Can they control the momentum of their movement?
Nigel F Boddy
Brexit Questions