Dear Sir,
I feel I must comment on the statement made by Owen Dickenson as reported by BBC Radio Newcastle on the 25th September that our local Labour Party was of the opinion time could be better spent debating the housing crisis and rail than the deal we would like to see on Brexit.
I find this astonishing, surely this is the most important political question this country faces at this time and will shape the future of the UK economically and socially for generations to come and will determine what we can spend on housing and transport.
I would have hoped that with a weak Tory leader and a fractious Party trying to cobble together an agreement the Labour Party would have taken the lead and come up with a policy that would protect jobs and the legislation that benefits all members of society.
To state that this was the opinion of the local Labour Party is misleading because as a member of the Labour Party I cannot recall being asked if I would like to see a debate on this issue.
Allan Siddle