We would like to thank residents of the village and surrounding areas for coming to our MacMillan Coffee Morning. We managed to raise £211 which is a fantastic amount for our little community.
It was also nice to welcome one of our councillors, Paul Crudass to the village hall. He was re-elected as councillor but new to us following the boundary changes within Darlington BC, so it was nice to put a face to a name. He said he and Counc Lee were keen to meet more residents now that Brafferton is in their ward. We announced winners of our sunflower competition which was a nice community activity and one we are likely to repeat next year, though a little more competitively I should imagine!
The winners were Mr & Mrs Walker with the tallest sunflower, and Dylan & Mel Wilson for the widest flower head and also the most flower heads on one plant.
We now have our own little village cafe, set in one the small fields as you enter the village Cozy Coffee serves cakes, coffee and crepes from a home built Shepherd’s hut. They cater well for little legs too and have plenty of open space with outdoor toys or toy bags for indoors when the weather isn’t so fine.
They held their own MacMillan Coffee morning on Friday 25th September and also helped raise important funds.
Our next community event will be our family games night with fish and chip supper on Friday 13th November, and is always good fun. We will share more information closer to the time. Please find us on Facebook (Brafferton Village Hall) Follow us on twitter @braffertonVHA Webpage: https://braffertonvha.wordpress.com
Brafferton Village News