Plans are being finalised for the ‘Everything English Evening’ which will take place on Saturday 23rd April in aid of Alzheimer’s Society. Doors will open from 7.30 with The Rockroses kicking off the live music from 8pm. They will play to around 10pm with an interval for a chippy supper. The band will be followed by a light hearted, fun quiz and hopefully bingo too hosted by professional quiz master Dave Tucker.
There will be a raffle and magic money numbers, along with face painting(*tbc) and sweet cones for the children by Sweet Memories NE Parties & Events (addition cost) who will also be decorating the hall. The evening is shaping up to be a great, not-to-be-missed night!
Tickets are available now from Cozy Coffee or can be bought at the door. These are £7.50, which does not include the optional chippy supper; children go free!
More details can be found on the Facebook page: search BraffertonVHA or by contacting Sam on 07710478583.
Brafferton Village News 08/04/16