Robin Turnbull District Manager for Sedgefield area says, “County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service want everyone to really enjoy themselves during what should be a great night. The only way that will happen however, is if everyone stays safe. It’s no fun when the illegal fireworks you’ve bought blow up in your face, it’s no fun sitting in hospital, it’s no fun being scarred for life and it’s no fun if your family and friends are injured.”
Robin adds, “The reason illegal fireworks are cheaper is that they don’t meet safety standards and therefore they are very dangerous. We don’t want to stop people having fun so why not have your friends round for the drinks and snacks but then go to an organised display? You won’t get much of a display on your own unless you spend a lot of money anyway.
Organised displays as offered by the Town Council at the Oakleaf field are safer and you get more for your money.
If you must buy your own fireworks, only do so from reputable dealers, otherwise it could end in tragedy. Follow the Firework Code and the advice on each firework and never let someone who has been drinking alcohol set them off – alcohol and explosives don’t mix!”
“The most common injuries are to children’s hands, wrists and eyes and are often caused by sparklers,” Robin states. “Don’t leave children to play with sparklers unsupervised and teach them to hold them at arm’s length and away from other people. Never give sparklers to children under 5 years of age and have a bucket of water handy to put the used sparklers in.”
Top tips for staying safe:
1. Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114.
2. Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
3. Keep fireworks in a closed box.
4. Follow the instructions on each firework carefully.
5. Light them at arm’s length using a suitable taper.
6. Stand well back.
7. Never go back to a lit firework.
8. Never put fireworks in your pocket.
9. Never throw fireworks.
10. Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
11. Never give sparklers to children under five.
12. Keep pets indoors
There is information on public firework displays, illegal fireworks and the firework code on the Service Website, the Durham County Council Website, and on the Darlington Borough Council Website