Newton Aycliffe café based at the DISC charity is helping customers tighten their belts by providing a selection of slimming meals that are out of this world.
Café MoreTime, has developed a range of healthy eating options as part of the charities commitment to the Better Health at Work Awards, where it has already achieved silver status.
The introduction of the café’s new menu is part of a wider drive by Newton Aycliffe-based charity DISC to help foster health and wellbeing at home and in the workplace. The great thing about the café offer is that it’s open to everyone, so the general public, as well as DISC employees can benefit.
The MoreTime café at DISC’s offices next to the Blue Bridge in Newton Aycliffe, has developed a menu of healthy foods that not only taste great but are also low in calories – something that many of us are looking for after the over indulgence of the Christmas period.
Delicious option such as Chicken and Potato Curry, Beery Barley Beef Stew, as well as salads with fat free cottage cheese and fat free dressing are all available and are fantastic value and virtually sin free for those on a controlled diet.
Mel Evans, café manager at MoreTime, is absolutely delighted by the early success of the low-calorie offers. She said: “Most people come back to work after the New Year looking for ways to cut down on calories. We wanted to provide everyone with the opportunity to eat healthily for less, that’s why we’ve developed a special menu for January that concentrates on healthy and wholesome food that is compatible with a slimming lifestyle. However, the food tastes that good, you don’t need to be on a diet to enjoy it!”
As well as providing eat-in services, the MoreTime café, also provides take-out options and will be happy to deliver outside catering. It’s open between 9am-3pm Monday to Friday.
MoreTime is owned by DISC and as a not for profit organisation places an emphasis on the creating employment pathways for DISC service users, as well as offering volunteering opportunities for people to develop skills and improve their work experience. Alongside the catering operation, MoreTime provide an affordable furniture scheme, repairs and maintenance work and contract cleaning.
The menu options can be enjoyed by everyone, and has been developed for use with Slimming World’s Eating Plan.
For more information, please call 01325 731350.
Blue Bridge Cafe Offers Meals for Slimmers