People in County Durham are being advised of arrangements for bin collections over the festive period.
Collection arrangements will remain the same for all residents whose rubbish and recycling bins are emptied on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
This includes both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, which fall on a Thursday, when normal collections will take place.
However, collections which normally happen on a Friday will change during the Christmas and New Year weeks.
Collections which would have taken place on Friday 25 December will instead be done on Monday 28 December.
And instead of Friday 1 January, rubbish and recycling collections will take place on Monday 4 January.
Normal collections will resume on Tuesday 5 January.
There will also be changes to the council’s bulky waste collections, which will not take place between Monday 21 December and Monday 4 January.
Residents who have bulky items to dispose of are reminded that they should ensure anyone they employ to take items away is properly licensed to help prevent flytipping.
People can arrange to have their real Christmas tree collected free of charge by contacting the council on 03000 261 000 before Friday 8 January.
Residents are urged to double check their dates over the festive period and are reminded to put their bins out by 7am on their collection day.
People can download a bin collection calendar by entering their post code on the My Durham section of the council’s website –
People can also visit the website for information on what items go in which bin and tips to ensure they recycle as much as possible during the festive period.
Bin Collections Days and Times for Christmas and New Year