Three Year 9 students from Woodham Academy, Cain Harrison, Lili-Mae Bailey and Cassidy Race, attended the launch of The Big Deal 2019 project at York University this week. The first workshop challenged them to develop a business idea, make a proto type product and complete accounts for their business. The team made a ‘Busy Bag’ aimed at primary school children. The 3 students will now go on to compete in the competition for the next 13 weeks.
Teams from different schools compete to develop a business plan for a concept or product, which they will then pitch at the final Dragons’ Den event. Over the 13 weeks, teams also complete an online curriculum with mentoring support from professionals who work across a range of business areas. This will involve students meeting their mentor during the launch and then maintaining an e-mentoring relationship using our mentoring site, Brightside.
The competition raises aspirations, increases confidence and gives students the opportunity to learn about careers and business. Students also learn valuable transferrable skills such as presenting, communication, organisation and team work.
Big Deal 2019 Launch