Next week, Durham County Council’s Cabinet will hear details of a bid submitted to Homes England and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as part of the government’s Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP).
Announced in September 2022, SHAP has allocated £200 million in funding for councils to provide accommodation and support for rough sleepers and young people who are at risk of rough sleeping.
SHAP aims to increase the supply of high-quality accommodation with accompanying support to address homelessness. It is intended to help recovery where people need high levels of support, and to prevent young people (aged 18 to 25) who may be at risk of experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping in the future.
If successful, the council’s bid would secure three years of funding for specialist homeless service provision with an additional 32 new bed spaces, create around 20 new jobs, and bring socio-economic benefits.
Cabinet will hear more details when it meets on Wednesday 15th November at 9.30am. Members of the public can attend in person or view the meeting live via
People in County Durham can comment on the council’s proposed Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy until Monday 18 December. Details of the consultation, and how to take part, can be found by emailing or online at