What started out as a couple of people attending the befriending group, quickly grew to over 20 people joining weekly.
The Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP)’s Befriending Services offers an in-person befriending group. Ran by volunteer Jean Griffiths, Jean credits the group to making a difference and offering a friendly space. She said: “The befriending group is so lovely, and a true necessity.
“I know people from the group who have moved from different areas and are trying to make friends, and I had that myself, moving from Liverpool to up north in the 1980s, and it is daunting trying to make new friends.
“Having a second day will make it easier for those who want to come to the group but may not have been able to on the original day and time. It gives everyone a chance to get out the house, talk to people and make new friends.”
Delivered from the Pioneering Care Centre (PCC) in Newton Aycliffe, the befriending group is now offered on a Tuesday from 12.30pm to 2pm and a Thursday from 2pm to 4pm.
The befriending group offers people a chance to meet new people for a friendly get together, to share stories, have a ‘cuppa’ and even enjoy a quiz!
The befriending group is free, with all ages welcome and refreshments provided.
Carol Gaskarth, Chief Executive of PCP, said: “PCP’s Befriending Services have supported over 900 people since 2020. What originally began as our Every Call Counts phone service, created in the pandemic to offer a friendly voice in difficult times, led to the creation of the popular befriending group.
“I invite anyone who may be interested to pop along to our next befriending group. For any questions, you can contact our Befriending Services on befriending@pcp.uk.net or call 01325 321234 for more information.”
Find the PCC on Carer’s Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 4SF. For more information, please visit www.pcp.uk.net
Connect with PCP on Facebook at www.facebook.com/PCPandCentre and PCP’s Twitter and Instagram @PioneeringCare
Befriending Group Expansion