On Bank Holiday Sunday 28th August the Locomotion One Pub are arranging a Fundraising Event in Aid of Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group who support patients and their families affected by cancer in our local community. Fun in the Car Park will be hosted by the Locomotion One Pub and in association with Locomotion FC from 11am until Late.
During the day we are having a car boot sale free admission to buyers and if you are interested in having a stall it will be a £10 fee for your pitch, spaces are limited so if you are interested please call Allison on 07762258696.
Their will also be: Face and Nail Painting
Bouncy Castles including the New Disco Dome
Various Jewellery and Craft Stalls (if interested in having a stall please contact Allison) – Tuck Shop – Food stalls selling Hot Dogs etc – Games for the kids – DJ throughout the day – Tombola and Prize Bingo.
In the Evening for Adults only – Free Admission with three Top local Bands: Live Lounge, Metis and The Kenzies.
Hog Roast – Fire Eaters and a Grand Raffle
Bus service provided from various pick up points. A Taxi service will be available on the night locally providing you get a reward card filled up after buying various drinks throughout the night. More Information can be obtained from Keith At Locomotion One.
We are having a Big Raffle so thank you to everyone that has donated so far, we are still looking for companies and Individuals to come forward with prizes or any donations towards the event. All money raised on the night will go to Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group.
For any more information Call Allison on 07762258696 or pop along to the Locomotion One Pub to see Keith and Jade.
Bank Holiday Bonanza for Cancer Support Group