Dear Sir,
I speak for all the residents who live near The Courts as we are absolutely sick of ignorant people with no respect for residents and their ability to park and blocking us in.
Don’t get me wrong, a few are okay, we have tried for over twenty years to get residential parking, councillors telling us they would help, but then they send people round to inspect the issue on a Sunday!
All the grass is ruined and, if we can’t get parked on our own drive, we have to park there to.
There are other areas in the town where it’s been granted for residential parking, when they have to pay to park, it’s appalling.
When members of your family are ill and coming home from hospital and can’t get access into their own home, having to walk around non residential cars, it is not good enough – there is enough parking in the town, please just take a second – you wouldn’t like it would you?
Name and address supplied.